What an honor it is to present our FIRST EVER - Featured Pets of the Week here at Dave's! Please read all about these real pooches journey with finding the right dog food, and how momma loves supporting our family business! Chow - Dave
*How did you first hear about Dave's Dog Food?
*D & M's Momma - I first came across Dave's dog food in our local Bomgaars. I was looking for a wholesome canned meat dog food to supplement the boys daily kibble, that would be packed with healthy, real food. When I read the ingredient labels, I knew this dog food would be good for them. I bought a couple of cans to see if they liked the taste and was very pleased when it turned out that they loved it!
*Where do you currently get your Dave's?
*D & M's Momma - I was buying it from that same store, Bomgaars, but then found out that I could buy it directly from your company online. So now I've started ordering it online.
*What's the most important thing you look for in a dog food?
*D & M's Momma - The most important thing I look for in my boys dog food is wholesome ingredients. It has to be real, good for them, and minus disgusting additions that are being included in most food these days, human & animal alike.
*Who runs the house, Dexter or Max?
*D & M's Momma - Max is older and pretty laid back so he allows Dexter to get away with a lot. Dexter is young and very high energy so he pushes boundaries quite a bit, kind of barreling over everything. I'd say they both think they run the house over the other one, but the reality is that they love each other as brothers and it's pretty equal.